Adguard DNS network protection
Look on the lists page for some suggested lists you can download, copy and paste or just copy the link of the text file location shown in the page to be able to add the list to your Adguard environment.
I have some lists on this website to help with protecting your network with the use of Adguard.
Adguard is a useful bit of software that takes your network traffic and gets the relevant IP addresses for the web pages to be displayed to people, but blocks ads, malware, websites that are on blocklists, any suspect IP address etc etc etc. It can also block pornographic websites and searches and gambling etc etc. All searches done by anyone connected to your wifi can make the search be a safe search, so that nudity doesn’t appear accidentally etc.
The possibilities are far more wide ranging than this.
On this website I provide some lists that can be used in the Adguard blocklists to restrict bad traffic.